Mataair (spring) adalah pemusatan keluarnya airtanah yang muncul di permukaan tanah sebagai arus dari aliran airtanah (Tolman, 1937). Menurut Bryan (1919) dalam Todd (1980), berdasarkan sebab terjadinya mataair diklasifikasikan menjadi 2, yaitu: mataair yang dihasilkan oleh tenaga non gravitasi (non gravitational spring) dan mataair yang dihasilkan oleh tenaga gravitasi (gravitational spring). Mataair yang dihasilkan oleh tenaga non gravitasi meliputi: mataair vulkanik, mataair celah, mataair hangat, dan mataair panas.
Sea-surface temperature and thermal stress in the Coral Triangle over the past two decades – (Penaflor et al.) (2009) “Increasing ocean temperature has become one of the major concerns in recent times with reports of various related ecological impacts becoming commonplace. One of the more notable is the increased frequency of mass coral bleaching worldwide. This study focuses on the Coral Triangle region and utilizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Coral Reef Watch (NOAACRW) satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) products to investigate changes in the thermal regime of the Coral Triangle waters between 1985 and 2006. Results show an upward trend in SST during this period with an average rate of 0.2C/ decade. However, warming within this region is not uniform, and the waters of the northern and eastern parts of the Coral Triangle are warming fastest. Areas in the eastern part have experienced more thermal stress events, and these stress events appear to be more likely during a La Nina.” Penaflor et al, Coral Reefs (2009) 28:841–850. [full text]